Saturday, February 21, 2015

CELEBRATE: It's All About That Joy, 'Bout That Joy- 2/21

Ruth Ayers invites us to participate in a Celebrate Link-Up on Saturdays. Click here to see what others are celebrating and maybe join in yourself, too! 
                            Discover. Play. Build.  
Today I celebrate the cold weather.

Ouch. Did I just say that out loud?

As we were driving home from the mall last night, we looked up at the temperature on the rear view mirror only to find that it said -11. My six year old was just so impressed that it was a negative number. My husband and I? Not so much impressed. In fact, I almost started to complain. Almost.

But, then it got me thinking. Here in upstate NY we have had the past week off for mid-winter recess or "February Recess" as we call it. Although I squeezed in four doctor appointments and bunch of little things on my "to-do" list, I just hadn't felt very accomplished.

Insert my celebration. 

Thanks to the cold weather I was able to squeeze in my #OLW of want. This past week brought below zero temps, but it also brought me the opportunity to do what I wanted to do...and that was stay cozy, inside with my two boys. We slowed down the pace. Heck, almost to a down right lazy speed at times. That's unheard of around here. Jammies till 2pm. Legos strewn about. Pokemon cards just about everywhere. Each evening as we cleaned up, I felt thankful for the chance to be home with them this week. 

That is why I'm celebrating the cold temps this week. 

If you can't beat 'em- join 'em!


  1. My favorite things to celebrate. I love these days when we are off of school, in the winter and summer where we can slow down and just be together. My two boys still scatter Lego and Pokemon everywhere. (And other various collections.) I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I remember those days so I look over at my 22 year old daughter taking a nap on the couch! Maybe things really haven't change at all! :) Stay warm!

  3. I miss those days with my boy! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  4. Sounds like a great time with your family to celebrate, Marcie. We have a week's break, too & it was good.

  5. Makes total sense to me. There is never enough family time. Lovely all around!

  6. Marcie,
    Our already three day week was cut to 2 days due to the cold! Finding the celebration in the cold is so valuable especially when it's time spent with our little people-love the late Jammie wearing and playing with toys! Great celebration!

  7. Mmm...I love those days at home!
