Monday, March 30, 2015

#SOLSC15 Day 30

Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers and the Slice of Life writing community for providing this opportunity to share our "slices." Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy for creating a place for us to share our work. Check out the other slices and join in the fun!

Small Moments

Today I walked among young and old
Today I brushed shoulders with culture.
Today I feasted upon works of art and talent.
Today I found unique opportunities.
Today I witnessed families holding hands.
Today I lost myself in children's books.
Today I savored Cabernet and layered homemade ricotta on crostini.
Today I caught up with my friend.
Today I looked at space uniquely.
Today I marveled at creativity.
Today I was thankful for diversity.
Today I witnessed our big, bold world sharing a common experience.

To think I found this all at Chelsea Market. 


  1. It's quite a market. Sounds like you had a filling day. I love that you among all the bustle, you lost yourself in books...

  2. It's quite a market. Sounds like you had a filling day. I love that you among all the bustle, you lost yourself in books...

  3. I L.O.V. E. Chelsea Market! I go to NY all the time to visit my niece! I even sliced about it as well. What an awesome place for sure and you hit on the experience with your words!

  4. Sounds like a place in NYC that I need to visit for inspiration. I think the format of your slice is simple format with a powerful reflection on finding the best life has to offer on a given day.

  5. The repetition in your poem has also provided you with a number of other ideas that are like heavy sentences that could be unpacked at a future time of your choosing. Having been to Chelsea Market I was able to visualise your experience through the images your words created. Thanks for the poem and the journey back.

  6. The repetition in your poem has also provided you with a number of other ideas that are like heavy sentences that could be unpacked at a future time of your choosing. Having been to Chelsea Market I was able to visualise your experience through the images your words created. Thanks for the poem and the journey back.
