Friday, March 6, 2015

#SOLSC15 Day 6

Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers and the Slice of Life writing community for providing this opportunity to share our "slices." Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana and Betsy for creating a place for us to share our work. Check out the other slices and join in the fun!

"Mommy,come sit with us! Come watch a show with us." 

This is our typical little nightly routine. We snuggle on the couch or chair. Sometimes my hubby and I each have one cute boy on our lap and I usually get our dog, too. All crammed together, perfectly content. 

Tom and Jerry is a favorite in our house. Each time I sit and watch it with the boys, I feel a wave of inspiration. The mommy in me feels so happy to see that the boys love a show that doesn't have a ton of dialogue, insane ninja moves, or sassy back talk. But the teacher in me? Well, that's a different story.

As a teacher, I can't help but see all the ways in which Tom and Jerry can support comprehension. Tons of inferring, cause/effect, and even character traits. Of course, each episode has the moment where you can stop and talk about theme or author's message. I just am in awe each time I sit down to watch it. My oldest even says now at the opening of each show "what does the title say?" He's learning to read in kindergarten and doing a fine job, but the opening title is sometimes in cursive. I love how he asks for the title because it shows how that informs his thinking and aids his comprehension. I don't know what it is about that show in particular, but I can't watch without thinking of mini-lessons.

I guess when I stop and think about it, I find mini-lessons everywhere.As teachers I think we view the world around us differently.

And I kinda like it.


  1. I kinda like it too.....and obviously so do your boys! My students always talk about Tom
    and Jerry....wonder how many parents are sitting down to watch with their kids as you are!

  2. I like how you started with them asking you to join them!
    Sounds like cozy moments with lots of learning going on!
    As teachers, we are always thinking. So true!

  3. I love imaging your setting, boys in laps, cuddled together as a family. I remember those days. Now my three oldest gather friends with us at the table for games and laughter. Cherish. Yes, lessons all around.
