Saturday, June 4, 2016

Celebrate LU- 6/4/2016: Change

Ruth Ayers invites us to participate in a Celebrate Link-Up on Saturdays. Click here to see what others are celebrating and maybe join in yourself, too! 
                            Discover. Play. Build.

Our school is undergoing construction as we anticipate big district changes in 2017. 

As I look at this picture that I took yesterday I still envision the beautiful read aloud tree that I spent time under with my first and second graders for 13 years. That tree gave us shade on a hot and sunny day. That tree made us relax and take in a new story that we waited all day to hear. That tree allowed us a breath of fresh air when our classrooms were humid and unbearable in September and June. That tree was the Popsicle spot. It was where we had end of the year class parties and celebrations. 

I know change is good. Change teaches us things about ourselves. But, change can be hard. For now, I'll celebrate the memories we had under this amazing piece of nature. I choose to picture that it is still there. 


  1. First of all, I am so glad to see you blogging again! Secondly, our district is going through major renovations too! Some of our schools are over 100 years old and desperately need it. Change is hard, but I know you will create beautiful new memories too!

  2. I understand that you'll miss the tree - it looks strong and beautiful. Picture this: you and your students get to plant a tree that will give shade to future readers and writers.

  3. Isn't it intriguing how your class tree held so many memories. Sometimes I get frustrated with all the changes. I appreciate the Popsicle tree story

  4. LOVE the tree. So glad you captured it in a photo to better "see" the change. And that you listed all the memories connected to the tree. I wonder if in a few years, a new list of events can be listed because of the new construction. My fingers are crossed that it goes quickly and soon will feel like it was always there, like the tree...

  5. Such good memories! And I like the picture Terje shared!

  6. We lost some trees in our renovation last year too. It's great to have so many wonderful memories, but it can be hard to see so many changes. We have loved so many things about our new space, but still miss some things about the old space too. These are good lessons for all of us. Hold to the memories while embracing the changes and making lots of lovely new memories.
